BRIAN HEAD SkiJoring Competitor Registration

We are putting on a SkiJoring exhibition and hybrid race on March 15th in Brian Head, Utah as part of their town's anniversary celebration.  If you would like to participate and be a part of this event, we are looking for the following:

  1. SKIJORING RACERS:  Sport / Pro level skiers and snowboarders who have competed in SkiJoring before.
  2. BIG AIR TRICKSTERS:  Skiers and snowboarders who can safely do big air aerial tricks.  We say "safely" in that we want to know that you are proficient with a lot of practice in safely landing jumps.  We don't want this to be your first try.
  3. HORSES and RIDERS:  Sport / Pro level horses and riders that have done this before.
  4. 'lil BUCKAROOS:  We would love to have kids involved in the event, this includes skiing and/or riding their horse or pony.
  5. VOLUNTEERS:  We can always use some help on the course and with the event.  Please sign up as a volunteer!


  1. REGISTER AS AN INDIVIDUAL:  You do not need to register as a team.  Please just register as an individual skier, snowboarder or horse and rider.  We will match and create teams or we will have a draw.  
  2. FREE:  There is no cost to join us and participate in this exhibition, it is free.  However, we may have a bonus round that you can buy into and compete for the pot.  Details to come.  So bring some cash with you if you are interested.
  3. RELEASE FORM:  You must complete the online release form in advance.  May as well do it now and get it over with.  Here is the link:  SKIJORING RELEASE FORM | CLICK HERE